Washington Libertarian Review

Political commentary from the State of Washington with a libertarian perspective.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Solving issues the libertarian way - Washington Times Book Review

William Peterson, adjunct scholar at the Heritage Foundation and the Ludwig Von Mises Institute, offers a review of the 6th edition of the Cato Handbook on Policy.

Says Peterson, "Nominally this biennial 6th edition is aimed at members of the new 109th Congress, but of course its broader aim covers a far larger universe: the outs as well as the ins, the states as well as the federal government, the courts, the bureaucracy, the GOP and Democrat parties, special interests, and ordinary Americans worried about homeland security, war and peace, and why total federal, state, and local government annual spending heads doggedly for the $4 trillion mark and beyond."

For serious policy wonks, this book may be worth the investment.


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