Washington Libertarian Review

Political commentary from the State of Washington with a libertarian perspective.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Rossi might contest election results

The P-I is reporting this morning that Rossi might contest election results. Anyone who has been watching the recounts knows that the point spread between Rossi and Gregoire is not statistically reliable and that the whole process appeared as a horse on roller skates.

Yet, now that the tables have turned we hear previously silent Christine Gregoire crowing: "I think we have been a model to the rest of the nation and the world at large about how an election system, as close as this one is, can be done with the highest of quality ... This is the biggest display of democracy I have ever seen and I am proud of it and I think it's an inspiration."

Who does she think she is kidding and where has she been in the last month and a half?


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